
  • - Email us with questions / communication.
    We check email M-F between 3:30-4pm. Thank you for understanding that at other times we are teaching, spending time with our own children, & working on aspects of freelance projects we run outside of The Painted Cloud summer season.

  • (646) 675-7255 - If your child is in the studio and you need to communicate immediately for your child that day (ie early pick up), text is best for direct contact!

2025 Summer Studio Take Over //
What food & clothing to pack, Drop off/Pick up info, etc!

Health info / CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH EXAMINATION : This is an annual requirement from NYC Camps/Health Department for camp entry. Young artists will not be admitted to the studio until the google form with their health exam is completed. Submit the google form for your young artist with the health exam attached (do not email the health examination to us directly). This task must be done at least one week before your child attends the studio as our team has to manually update this info in our system.

Child’s profile: See this link to add anyone who does pick up for your child. Include phone numbers.

Allergy/Medical information: We keep documentation of each child’s allergy/medical information on-hand for our teaching artists. To update allergy/medical information on your child, click this link, click your child’s name, and add information to allergy section.

A few key details for your young artist include the following ::


*Label with name!: Pack all necessary items in one bag labeled with Young Artists’ Name! 
Limit the amount of items you pack!: Leave extra toys/books at home. Your child has an easier time navigating their belongings if packing is minimal. We have supplies galore to engage young artists!
No Nuts!: Thank you for not sending nuts in snacks & lunches. Several young artists have extreme allergies.

Food:: Separate snack & lunch // Picnic-style eating // Waterbottle

  1. Morning Snack **One labeled bag for an ‘on-the-go’ no-nut snack - separate from their lunch bag! Something picnic-style & quick is best (ie not in a container) - ie apple or granola bar, etc. They do not bring their entire lunchboxes - only their snacks and water bottles. There is no refrigerator.

  2. Lunch**A separate labeled bag than the snack bag. Easy to eat foods recommended! We do not provide utensils.

  3. Afternoon Snack for Extended Stay**(3pm - 5:30pm) ***At 3pm extended day young artists enjoy a 2nd snack.

  4. Water bottle (please label with name!)


  1. Water play :

    • Water play: On occasional afternoons, we will have water play in the backyard. Best idea = send young artists in shoes that can get wet! We otherwise are not getting super drenched, so bathing suits are not a must this summer.

  2. Studio + Weather-appropriate clothes :

    • Shoes! :: One pair of shoes please. No socks plus slip on shoes or shoes that are easy to take off and put back on are best for your child’s day! Shoes often get wet while outside from projects/water play.

    • Clothing :: Please know our art projects can be messy/spills happen!  Some materials we use do not wash out of clothing. Please dress your child in clothes that are okay to get stained.

  3. Bug Spray / Sunscreen:: There are some bugs! If your child is sensitive, we recommend light pants + bug spray. We also have bug spray.

  4. Extra Clothes (esp for younger ages) : Pack a change of dry clothes in the bottom of your young artists’ bag if you think they might need it - we do not have back up clothes in the studio for accidents.


*Drop off & pick up is done in the lobby (no parents/guardians are allowed to walk back into studio rooms). To see what is happening in the studio, we post in our instagram story @thepaintedcloud & every Friday we invite families in for our afternoon art share! **NOTE: if you wrote ‘No Photo’, your child will not be on instagram or in the summer video project.  

Drop off:

  • 8:40am - doors open - Prior to this time, artists are setting up materials for the day in the studio, reviewing children’s allergies, etc.

  • Upon arrival to The Painted Cloud, one teaching artist receives each young artist from their parent/guardian out front/in the lobby at the beginning of the day.

  • Scooters/strollers: The Painted Cloud does not have space to store strollers and scooters in the studio. There is a “cage” for scooters outside which is used during the school year. Please know this scooter cage does not lock and any items left are at your own risk. Thank you for understanding that for fire code reasons we cannot block the halls!

Pick up::

  • One teaching artist brings each young artist to the lobby/outside to their parent/guardian at the end of the day. Ring the door bell when are you at the studio! And/or text the studio (646) 675-7255.

  • Pick up is at 3pm (late fee past 3:05pm). Extended day from 3pm until as late as 5:30pm is an additional $50. If extended day is desired, email 48 hours before your child attends. We understand last-minute, day-of needs occur. In that case, please text the studio (646) 675-7255 and understand that we may not be able to accommodate day-of requests.

  • Picking up early? Please arrange this ahead of time preferably by the day before via email. (We check emails from 3:30pm-4pm each day). If a last minute day-of need arises, text the studio phone: (646) 675-7255. Sending an email day-of does not make it to the teaching artists in the studio.
    Times for early pick up: 12-12:30 -or- 2pm on.
    Lunch is from 12:00 - 12:30. Following lunch, we enter project time until 2pm. Picking up during lunch or after 2pm is ok but we do ask that early pick ups do not occur during project time when our focus is on keeping all young artists engaged in their projects and learning!

  • Please note our *conversation prompts for families* on our chalk board! This daily question is written for you to ask your child at the end of the day with the goal being if you prompt their conversation with a specific question, your young artist will tell you all about their day. This is also depicted in our instagram stories every day.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

We’re really looking forward to it.

Thank you,

The Painted Cloud team


Payments + Refunds + Age Requirements + Late Fees


Health info / CHILD AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH EXAMINATION : Summer 2025: One-time task! Submit the google form for your young artist with the health exam attached in the google form (do not email the health examination to us directly). This is requirement of NYC Camps/Health Dept. Young artists will not be admitted to the studio until the google form with their health exam is completed. Thank you for your attention to this.


There are no refunds or transfers issued for cancellations for any reason.
Thank you for understanding that this is necessary to keep our very small studio open.

  • Full payment is required per child per week. The payment is non-refundable and non-transferable.
    Please understand that the beauty of having a small camp with a dedicated team also means that cancellations/transfers are not sustainable. We understand that this is a firm policy so have lined this out as it’s own check box during the sign up process. We appreciate your support to include not asking for refunds and transfers after signing up!

  • Sign ups are weeklong from 8:45am-3pm for $590 per week (sibling discount available). Occasionally drop in days are posted the afternoon before, but are otherwise not available.

  • Extended day for any time after 3pm and late as 5:30pm can be added a la carte for an additional $50 per day.

  • A child's place in session will not be reserved until the payment is paid-in-full.

  • Registration will remain open until full.  


  • Our youngest artists are those who are 4 years old at the time they attend camp. This is an NYC Camp/Health Dept rule.

  • Select the camp session based on how old your child will be when attending camp. This is required for us to maintain age ratios as determined by NYC Camp/Health Dept.

  • Children’s sign ups for sessions outside of the age requirement will be cancelled. If the spot fills, your child’s spot will be refunded less 10%. If the spot held by your child’s sign up is not filled, there is no refund.
    Email with any questions.


  • There is a LATE FEE when picking up children more than 5 minutes past the end of sessions. This fee goes directly to the teaching artist who is required to stay late. This is not an after care option.

    • For sessions ending at 3:00 pm, fee starts at $20 at 3:05pm. At 3:30pm, an additional cost of $30 is charged.

    • For sessions ending at 5:30 pm, fee starts at $20 at 5:35pm. Each additional half hour is charged a flat cost of $20 (e.g. 6:05 = $40, 6:35 = $60).

  • All fees are handled by the office, not by the teaching artists. In the event that you incur fees, our office will email you, and the credit card on file is charged.

  • Any outstanding invoices that are not paid within 30 days of receipt are subject to a 15% interest charge.

    We are a small artist-run family business, supporting artists and providing incredible creative guidance for the children of Williamsburg. We want to continue being a part of this community. With that in mind, our policies have to remain strict (no refunds, no transfers…please don’t ask!). We love what we do and have worked so hard to maintain our great reputation! Thank you to the parents who have supported us and have told us how much they appreciate what we offer, how we communicate, and how we’ve handled each twist and turn these last few years (thank you to parents for verbalizing this to us, it really means a lot).

Frequently Asked Questions…

Who is the teaching artist team?
Our teaching artists are just that…artists who love to teach! Sarah Conarro and Julian Bozeman are the lead teaching artists at The Painted Cloud (you can find their info under “Who We Are” on the homepage). Everyone that teaches at The Painted Cloud maintains their own practice, while bringing their experience and passion for art-making to the studio to share with young artists. Our team is versed in many mediums and experienced in experimentation with visual and conceptual art.

Will my young artist take something home every day?
No! Young artists engage in many ephemeral projects that emphasize process in the moment. Teaching artists develop these projects by interweaving vocabulary, real-world problem-solving tools, and community-minded concepts with art. Many of these projects are collaborative. During semester-long sessions, young artists work on cumulative projects and sketchbooks, which are featured in the end-of-the-semester art show! During summer, young artists compile reflection notes to share with their families each week and part of their processes are part of the summer collaborative video project to be shared at summer’s end.

What is process-based work?
Work focusing on the doing and the process, rather than the outcome. This method allows young artists to approach art in an open-ended, self-motivated, and experiential way.

What are the benefits of process-based work? Through doing, young artists learn and practice problem solving, experimentation, expression, innovation, scientific thinking, mathematical understanding and language development. Young artists gain confidence and feel a sense of competency when they create something based on their own ideas and efforts.

What processes will my young artists engage in daily? What’s the routine?
Every day young artists participate in Choice Time (i.e. open studio), Dialogue Time, and Project/Process Time. Young artists also participate in Critique and help with bettering the studio during Clean Up (aka ‘Bubble School’). The routine is as follows:: Choice Time // Story|Snack Time // Dialogue Time // Project|Process 1 // Lunch // Project|Process 2 // Critique // Transition // Story. In extended day, young artists work with tools that are better for an even smaller group, play games, and relax.
*Outside time: Young artists go outside to our big private backyard for story|snack time & lunch|play time. Some projects are also conducted in the yard. On weather days, we adjust the schedule to capitalize on when the weather is better outdoors! It is our belief that we all benefit from being outside with one another, so going outside is a priority.

What language will my young artist develop?
Through Dialogue Time, young artists develop an understanding of the word ‘dialogue’, what it is, and how to participate in dialogue. Through Critique Time, young artists practice how to observe, how to say what they observe, how to analyze, and, as they become older (ie upper elementary and definitely in middle school), what they think about what they are observing and why. Through Project/Process Time, young artists develop formal art language (look out art school!) as well as life vocabulary. Example art words: texture, rhythm, and balance. Example life words: serendipity, variety, persona.

What tools and materials are available in the studio?
So many! Tools include overhead projectors, a shadow screen, a chalk board wall, a screen printing set up, wall projectors, SLR cameras, natural dye set up, and more. Materials include acrylic paint, printmaking, drawing (various mediums ie charcoal, marker, etc), watercolor, sand, fabrics/textiles, collage, found objects, nature materials, and more.

How will I know what my child did each day?
The best way to keep up is to follow our posts and stories on instagram! Alternatively, we write a Family Prompt on the chalkboard each day…ask your young artists this question to get them talking about their day in the studio.

What is the ratio of young artists to adults?
The maximum number of young artists in the studio at any given time is 40.
For ages 4-5 years, the ratio is 1:6. For ages 6-7, the ratio is 1:9. For ages 8 and up, the ratio is 1:12.

What rooms will my young artist work in?
Young artists work in different studio rooms throughout the week. For their morning project/process time, they get to work one room and following lunch they switch to the another room for their second project/process. Occasionally, we open the rooms to one another (they are connected by a big barn door). We also take advantage of the big beautiful backyard daily!

Questions about what to pack, pick up (early, late, etc), etc are above in the respective sections.