First question: What are ‘Dialogue Time Questions’? Dialogue is an exchange. Dialogue is talking and listening. Dialogue takes practice!
Part of the daily studio practice at The Painted Cloud is dialogue practice. This practice is its own ‘project’ that is the connective thread through everything we do in the studio. Before beginning any art-making in the studio, young artists gather for the daily ‘Dialogue Time Question’ :: an open-ended, approachable question that each person can answer from their own experiences and observations. The practice is specific - we don’t raise hands but instead we practice listening, we practice speaking, and we practice noticing who hasn’t gotten a chance to speak and inviting that person to share their thoughts! We guide young and maturing artists in consciously understanding the practice and act of dialogue, increasing their abilities to maintain a healthy exchange about anything ranging from one another’s artwork to sharing opinions on topics large and small (this naturally happens in an art studio setting - it’s beautiful!). This practice of practicing listening and speaking through Dialogue Time Questions is an ongoing ‘project’ - it’s Forever work! We eagerly take this opportunity working with young artists to infuse this life skill that they can take with them where ever they go - and the best part is they feel seen, heard, and feel comfortable with act of actual real dialogue.